Looking at a dead face / Abdul Karim Keilani

Attorney/ Abdul Karim Keilani ( Jordan ) – sunday 21/1/2024

الصورة : المحامي عبد الكريم الكيلاني

* ملاحظة من المحرر: نحن في ” مدارات عربية ” ننشر بعض المقالات باللغة الإنكليزية ، وذلك عندما نرى أن المقال يقدّم فكرة تستحق أن تترجم ، ليس فقط للغة الإنكليزية، بل لأكثر من لغة عالمية، ونرى أن هذا المقال للمحامي الأستاذ عبد الكريم الكيلاني يستحق النشر مع ملاحظة أننا سبق لنا وأن نشرناه باللغة العربية ,  

Inhuman inclinations in practicing  rituals of spillingblood, and looking at the

faces of dead children, and small infants,who are murdered on Zionism’s altar, what the Israeli leadership is doing today.

This is not an exaggeration at all, nor is it a characterization that is excessive.

Indeed, the Israeli government is not alone in wanting to celebrate those scenes of barbarism, showing delight and gloating at the desolation caused by its military machine. In fact support and assistance of the crime and its continuation is not sufficient, given that there arepartners to the crime, that have a greater obligation…!Unfortunately there is delight to the extent of ecstasy at the images of dead bodies and destruction of cities that have been annihilated.

Is there a need for evidence or proof?!! It is appropriate for us to refer to the novel titled (Blood for the Bread of Zion) written by the literato Najib Keilani, in which he relates a story of a murder, father Toma, with Jewish contrivance and preparation, and with the blessing of rabbis to prepare the rituals of producing the Holy Leaven, soaked in innocent human blood.

This story is not just the product of literary imagination.

I shall here quote the American writer, Susan Sontag, who was given an award by the Israeli state itself. She actually declined to accept the award for her book (Looking at others…)  after visiting the battlefields in Sarajevo where she observed events and documented thecrimes committed. She offers in remarkable detail the psychology of the war criminals, and so regrettedreceiving an award from the killers. She writes: “The appetite for perceiving pain, by a person who lost his humanity, a human beckoned by a barbaric desire for experiencing inspiration, whilst perpetrating the harshest actions targeting other humans; wherefore he derives pleasures from seeing deformed faces, and torn bodyparts. Those horrible images are viewed by the beasts of desolation with great pleasure. This is not just the theory of Plato, but is the truth that is observed by all who monitor the horrors of carnage that is left by the war criminals. Truly they immerse themselves in the crime every new day in the absence of any moral deterrent”

In a television interview with the same American writer, she defended the oppressed peoples, and she addresses a message to American public opinion, and to politicians in particular:

“.. I believe we should view the images after taking cognizance of history, which is something that American politicians do not do. We must know the history of the victims, how they think. In fact it is the historical context which enables you to construct the image of the victim in the correct and appropriate place, to know the extent to which the image is painful and revealing of the heinousness of the crime, and its violation of ethics”.

With these words as well as other books, articles and literary works, Sontag who avails of the title (Smartestwoman in the United States of America) wanted to document terror, fear and woes produced by war crimes.

Are those visions a response to the following question: Why doesn’t the barbaric attack in the land of peace stop?! To enjoy the killing and beholding human bodies swim in their blood, outdoors, in the sitting rooms and under the debris!

Recently YouTube and Instagram sites were flooded with a video clip of a former Central Intelligence Agency officer:

“..I do not advocate a two-state solution presently, but rather a single Palestinian state, in which the Jews live as citizens, equal in rights, alongside the Palestinians, and I shall not characterize the resistance as a terrorist organization, given that the characterization of terrorism is what befits the Israeli government, which is itself a terrorist organization which threatens American national security.”

Based on the above, the organizations that support Israel,face a severe moral dilemma.

We in reality face a dissolution of the values of civilization, where the statements of Mirabeau the orator of the French Revolution and author of the book (A Statement on Civilizations) which he wrote in the eighteenth century have today become a lie, an unidentified illusion. This is today manifested in Israeli ferocity which ravages the structure of civilization at the hands of the perpetrators of crime, whereby it becomes futile to listen to the voice of the fathers of civilization.

The human world, Christian, Muslim and Jewish world, beckons with a single voice that the time has come “to bring down the ruling authority in Israel given that it does not have a desire for life anymore, and is not motivated by other than the spirit of vengeance, and I appeal to all my Jewish brothers, refrain from rationalization and embark on resistance..”

“Israel is not sufficed by the killing of Palestinian civilians, but also kills the Israelis themselves, without itsarmy blinking an eye, when it opens fire on all that moves or has life. This is what actually happened when shots were fired at three persons raising a white flag who were later identified as Israeli soldiers.”

This is what was written by Barak Heymann in Haaretz, who bemoans the condition of the Jewish people, under the rule of Netanyahu who brought all to a dark tunnel:

﴾and they thought their fortresses would protect them from Allah, but Allah came at them from where they never expected and threw terror into their hearts. They wreck their houses with their own hands and by the hands of the believers. So, take a lesson, O you who are endowed with sight(s)﴿ Quran (59: 2)

This is the plight of a group, that cannot see the truth and universal signs whose hands became tarnished with the blood of the prophets, martyrs and saints in every age.

Hence the Divine miracle occurred contrary to all expectation and the illusions of power, for those that destroy their own homes.. a miracle that materializes in spite of the illusions of those that claim to be favored and chosen above all of humanity.

﴾He is Allah: the Creator, the Inventor, the Shaper. He ˹alone˺ has the Most Beautiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth ˹constantly˺ glorifies Him. And He is the Almighty, All-Wise.﴿ Quran (59: 24)

Blessed are all who praise God, whose hymns we hear, who repeat the name of God the Just in all corners of the earth.

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